Never Throw These Things Down The Drain!

boise appliance repairWe care about your home and helping you keeping it running smoothly long after the appliances are installed! After all, you already have enough to worry about without broken dishwashers and washing machines to deal with; that’s why we’re happy to be able to offer good advice that will keep your appliances – and you – happy for years to come.

Your sink is not a garbage shoot. A lot of people are stunned to discover this! Even if you have a garbage disposal in your sink it’s still not the best place just to dump whatever you have and forget about it – because if you do you may be setting yourself up for real trouble down the road! It’s not complicated to avoid however, in fact there’s really just three things you have to worry about never throwing down the drain and here they are:

Potato Peels
Seems innocuous enough…SEEMS. Fact is these beloved tubers can cause real problems for your plumbing! Most people think that if the disposal will chew it up it’s okay to put it through, but that’s just not the case. While for the most part potato peels can go down the disposal since they are very fibrous and tough they often end up in big chunks that clog the pip further down the line. Your best bet is to put these, and other vegetable matter, in the compost bin for the garden.

No, not the beloved musical. The stuff that makes the food taste good! Unfortunately it can cause big trouble for your drain. Most people mistakenly think that as long as it’s warm and liquid it’s fine to pour away, but the truth is that grease cools down the pipe and solidifies into a nasty mess! No amount of hand jiving will solve that! Best course of action is not to pour it down the pipe in the first place.

Yep. We went there. Don’t just throw money down the drain! It’s easy to do without even thinking about it. One of the ways we see people do this most often is when they buy new appliances rather than repair the ones they have. While sometimes it is a smart idea to upgrade to a more efficient or feature rich machine, most times your current appliances will have lots of life left in them. The good news? Home Appliance Service Inc is here to help either way! We can get your appliances services and running great in no time, and if you do need new appliances we can help get them installed right. Give us a call to keep from throwing money down the drain and see how we can help!